
Jiancheng Pan

Visiting Research Student
Tsinghua University
jiancheng.pan.plus (at) gmail.com

About Me

Hi, I am Jiancheng Pan (潘建成). I am a third-year master student at the Institute of Computer Vision of Zhejiang University of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Cong Bai. At the same time, I am a visiting research student at AI4Earth Laboratory of Tsinghua University with Prof. Xiaomeng Huang (The learning here has led me to attempt interdisciplinary research combining AI and geosciences).

My research interests [Keywords] include but are not limited to Multimodal Learning, Data-centric AI, Foundation Model with its application on Earth Observation [GeoAI], towards constructing Earth Observation Foundation Models [EOFMs]. I am also dedicated to tackling challenges in Earth sciences through machine learning, with a particular emphasis on solving socially relevant problems, such as advancing sustainability [ML4Sustainability][AI4Earth].

I believe in earning through skills and achieving through collaboration. I am actively seeking internship or co-operation opportunities related to tackling challenges the field of Earth sciences with GeoAI technologies, particularly in sustainable development. If you are also similarly working on related research, feel free to discuss and communicate with me.


Publications [Google Scholar]

    * indicates contributed equally and is corresponding author.

  1. Preprint
    Qing Ma, Hongze Ni, Jiancheng Pan, Cong Bai, Shengyong Chen
    Under Review, 2024.

  2. AAAI'25
    Jiancheng Pan*, Yanxing Liu*, Yuqian Fu, Muyuan Ma, Jiahao Li, Danda Pani Paudel, Luc Van Gool, Xiaomeng Huang
    AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2025.

  3. Preprint
    Jiancheng Pan, Muyuan Ma, Qing Ma, Cong Bai, Shengyong Chen
    Under Review, 2024.

  4. TGRS'24
    Qing Ma*, Jiancheng Pan*, Cong Bai
    IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024.

  5. ACMMM'23
    Jiancheng Pan, Qing Ma, Cong Bai
    ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2023.

  6. ICMR'23
    Jiancheng Pan, Qing Ma, Cong Bai
    ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2023.


  1. Organized by Tsinghua University
    The Global Infrastructure Emissions Detector (GID) tracks global emission sources, analyzes temporal and spatial patterns, and provides tools and models for related research.



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